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lunes, 12 de agosto de 2013

Coming to terms with the problem

The first step toward a diagnosis is to realize that something isn´t right. Acceptance
is usually the most time-consuming step. Most people live with bipolar disorder for an average of 10 years before seeking help. In many cases, people experience multiple major mood episodes- depression or mania- before circunstances or frustrated family members force them to seek professional help.

People with Bpolar Disorder may avoid seeking treatment for any of several reasons:

Mania feels great. I´ve never felt so energized!
Why bother? Nothing can possibly make me feel any better.
I´m not ill. I´m just weak. I need to work harder at overcoming this.
I can deal with this on my own.
I can´t afford any more bills.
I don´t want to be labeled.

Both depression and mania can influence thought patters that make a personal avoid treatment. In manic episode, you commonly feel all-knowing, all-powerful, full og energy, and at the top of your game. In such a sate, few people think they need help. When you feel deeply depressed, you commonly lose hope in the future and begin thinking that nothing can improve your life, so it´s understandable not to seek help. In many cases, you need to experience a crash or a loved one has to intervene to provide the motivation to seek professional help.

Source: Bipolar Disorder,Candida Fink, MD-Joe Kraynak

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