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sábado, 10 de agosto de 2013

Preventing Suicide and Other Self/Damaging Behaviors

Thoughts about death and suicide,plans to commit suicide and actual attempts to take one's own life accompany all phases of bipolar disorder. Feelings of anxiety, hopelessness, and seemingly unbereable pain during depressions; irritability and  most and thoughts that race faster than you can think them during manias;  and paranoia and life-darkening hopelessness during mixed states all contribute to suicidal thoughts. These thoughts may rush into your head all at oncoverwhelm you, or they may become obsessions that ocuppy most waking moments.

Other self-damaging behaviors, such as overspending or indulging in risky sexual activity, can complicate or inflame suicidal thoughts.

If thoughts of death or suicide plague you, seek help inmediately, if you suspect that a loved one may be considering suicide, contact the person´s psychiatrist, doctor, or therapist inmediatly. If you don´t know what people to call, drive the person to the nearest emergency room or call 911. Studies show that nearly 30 per cent of people suffering from bipolar depression attempt suicide, so you need to act inmediatly. Although you may be able to talk your loved one out of attempting suicide, he or she may lie to you just to get you out of the way.

When experiencing a manic episode or hypomania, you may behave in ways that you never imagined you would. Mania can drive you to make imprudent decisions that you live to regret. To make a serious mistake, you need motive, method, and opportunity. In a state of mania, your motive is out of your control, so you need to work on eliminating the method and opportunity. Try the following techniques:

Destroy your credit cards: they make it too easy to spend money you don´t have.

Limit access to your bank account: If you can´t withdraw your money, you can´t spend it. Place a loved one in charge of your finances.

Hand over your card keys: You may speed and drive eratically during manic episodes, or you may decide to drive to the airport and hop on a plane to Burma.

Buddy up with a conscience. Being alone during a manic episode is dangerous in itself. Find a loyal, level-headed friend to accompany you on any outings.

Avoid alcohol and other mind-altering substances. Alcohol, marijuana, ecstasy, cocaine, and other drugs tend to make you less inhibited. Less inhibitation plus mania equals trouble.

Stay off the internet: Chat rooms, investment sites, online casinos, and a host of temptaions line the streets of the information superhighway. Even people with stable moods have trouble fending off the temptations.

For these tactics to work, you need to plan ahead and work with a close friend or relative who can intervene before the risky behavior commences.


Bipolar disorder. Candida Fink, MD - Joe Kraynak

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