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jueves, 15 de agosto de 2013

Straying from your meds

Most  people have trouble accepting any diagnosis that requires them to change the way they live or increase the energy they must invest to remain healthy. If you tell a guy who eats four Mega Burgers a week that he needs to start consuming more broccoli and spinach and taking pills to control his high cholesterol, you´re sure to meet some resistance. Even if he accepts the diagnosis, order leaner cuts of meat, and increases his dietary intake of fruits and vegetables, he´s likely to slip occasionally and gorge on the full-fat menu items… with extra mayo.

People, especially those who enjoy life, measure the quality of life not only in how they feel and how long, but also in how much they enjoy what life has to offer. The manic side of bipolar disorder not only makes you feel great, but also can make everything you experience more vivid and exciting you experience more vivid and exciting. When treated successfully, many people with bipolar stop taking their medications because they miss their highs, and who can really blame them? But you should recognize that this is a recipe for disaster and a surefire way to make future episodes harder to control.

Source: Bipolar Disorder, candida Fink, MD, Joe Kraynak

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