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lunes, 12 de agosto de 2013

Supporting a Friend or Relative with Bipolar Disorder (part I)

Bipolar  can make or break a relationship. Although bipolar is a disorder that causes suffering, it can also have benefits. People with bipolar disorder can often be the most creative, engaging, intelligent, life-affirming people on the planet. They have fun, and their zest for life is contagious. You can easily fall in love with them.

When someone you care about is  a deep depression, however, you may feel as though the disorder is swallowiing you both up into a bottomless pit of despair. During a full-blown manic episode, the arrogance, anger, self-righteousness, or emotional abuse you loved one displays may repel you. It´s important to keep the  disorder in perspective and maintain a healthy state of mind.

Source: Bipolar Disorder, Candida Fink, MD, Joe Kraynak

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