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lunes, 19 de agosto de 2013

Planning Ahead for a Possible Relapse

The last thing you want to think about when you´re recovering is having to relive the hell of a major depressive, manic, or mixed episode. However, when your moods and medications are stabilized, you have the perfect opportunity to plan ahead. By planning in advance, you can often reduce the intensity and duration of the next mood episode and accelerate your recovery, You may even be able to short-circuit the episode and avoid it altogether.
Select one or more close friends or relatives to act as your support network and set aside a time to discuss your emergency plan. Be prepared to provide them with the following information:
Your psychiatrist´s phone number.
Your therapist´s phone mumber.
Yor health insurance company´s phone number and your member ID.
The name of the hospital you prefer to go to, if hospitalization is necessary.
A list of warning signs that indicate you may need help.
A hertfelt promise that even though you may resist their help during the mood episode, you won´t hold it against them later.
The most you educate the members of your support network about bipolar disorder, the better. They need to know up front that you may vehemently protest against their envioronment when you their help the most. Encourage them to read or obtain information from other resources of bipolar support groups.
Source: Bipolar Disorder, candida Fink, MD, Joe Kraynak

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