Reclaiming Your Life--hen You´re Ready
To make your convalescence as successful as possible, consider the following tips and techniques:rangements, if necessary. If you live alone or
1-Find alternate living arrangements, if necessary. If you live alone or in a stressful envioronment, consider moving in with a close friend or relative until your moods and medications stabilize. A strong support person can help you monitor your moods, remind you to take your medications, and offer moral support.
2-Contact your company´s human resources department. You may be eligible for a leave of absence during your recovery if your doctor prescribes it. You should also check your health benefits. Don´t quit your job, even if you think it contributes to your illness. Get the benefits you rve and then quit when you find something better.Work the system.
3- Enroll in intensive outpatient therapy . Many hospitals and clinics offer intensive outpatient therapy that can help you deal with the issues in your life while you recover physically from the trauma. If you take a leave of absence from work, intensive outpatient therapy keeps you busy during the dtay and provides all-important human contact.
Avoid making any major decisions during your convalescence, such as quitting your job or breaking off a relationship. Focus on becoming healthy. You can deal more effectively with your issues when you feel fully recovered.
Bipolar Disorder,Candida Fink, MD-Joe Kraynak
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